This is the difference between self-isolating and social distancing - and what it means for you

Many people are confused over the difference between the two strategies designed to stop the spread of Covid-19.

As Spring begins the days are getting longer and warmer, and people are getting the urge to venture outside of their homes after a harsh winter.

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But amid the spread of coronavirus, many people are not sure whether it is safe for them to get out in the open air, or whether they have to stay inside.

Here is the difference between social distancing, and social isolating - and what it means for you.

Who needs to self isolate?

The government’s advice is that anyone who is experiencing symptoms of coronavirus - a dry cough, fever, or difficulty breathing - must self-isolate for a two week period.

Anyone classified as ‘vulnerable’ also has to self-isolate. This includes people over 70, as well as people with underlying conditions that could make the symptoms of coronavirus worse.

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Unfortunately for these people, self-isolation means not leaving your house - making going walks outside or meeting friends an impossibility. But the government does say people who are self-isolating can keep windows open to get fresh air.

What’s social distancing?

The government is advising everyone who is not currently self-isolating to still practice social distancing.

This means not meeting with friends and family, staying away from crowded areas like bars and restaurants, avoiding all non-essential travel, and working from home where possible.

Luckily for these people, there is no restriction on going for walks outside. The government website actually encourages people to get plenty of exercise and fresh air.

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“At times like these,” the website reads, “it can be easy to fall into unhealthy patterns of behaviour which in turn can make you feel worse.

Its only warning is not to get too close to other people when outside, asking walkers to stay at least two metres away from each other.

Coronavirus: the facts

What is coronavirus?COVID-19 is a respiratory illness that can affect lungs and airways. It is caused by a virus called coronavirus.

What caused coronavirus?The outbreak started in Wuhan in China in December 2019 and it is thought that the virus, like others of its kind, has come from animals.

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