Woodland Grange donates its gym equipment to North Leam School

North Leam schoolNorth Leam school
North Leam school
Woodland Grange, conference centre in Old Milverton Lane, Leamington, has donated all of its former gym equipment to North Leamington School.

Much to the delight of sixth form and GCSE students, the school’s gymnasium is now equipped with high quality apparatus including two additional rowing machines, three cross trainers, two upright cycle machines and two treadmills.

John Turpin, group operations manager for EEF Venues, the group behind Woodland Grange, said: ”Our recent £1 million capital investment in our facilities included the replacement of gym equipment in our leisure suite at Woodland Grange. We could have sold the old equipment but felt that it would be far better to put it to good use in the local community. ”

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The machines have been serviced by Newbody Fitness Ltd in Bedford Street, Leamington, who will service the equipment for the school free for the next 12 months.

Joy Mitchell, head teacher at North Leamington School, said:”We are delighted with the gym equipment and want to thank Woodland Grange for their generosity. The additional equipment means that we can engage more of our students in the practical application of the PE courses and increase opportunities to develop healthier lifestyles and attitudes.”

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