MP plans jobs fair to encourage "economically inactive" over 50s in Rugby to return to work

Rugby MP Mark Pawsey.Rugby MP Mark Pawsey.
Rugby MP Mark Pawsey.
“I know that their experience and expertise is vital for future growth and so it’s right that the government is launching schemes to help them return to work”

Rugby MP Mark Pawsey is planning a jobs fair in Rugby for people over 50 who are “economically inactive”.

He said encouraging older workers to return to the workforce is important for business growth.

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Mark spoke during questions to Ministers at the Department for Work and Pensions in Parliament where he highlighted that in the West Midlands, a significant number of those aged 50 and over left the workforce due to the coronavirus pandemic and have not returned, especially in comparison to their younger counterparts.

He also highlighted that businesses he has met with have told him how vital these workers, and their skills, are to the local economy.

Mark also invited Guy Opperman MP, Minister of State at the Department for Work and Pensions, to join him at an over 50’s fair Mark will be holding in Rugby in the new year. The fair will form part of the work the DWP is doing, including through the ‘50 PLUS: Choices’ and the ‘mid-life MOT’ schemes, which aim to help people return to the workforce.

Mark said: “Although the number of people receiving unemployment related support has consistently fallen in Rugby there remains a number of people who are now economically inactive following the disruption caused by the pandemic.

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“Some of them will have taken early retirement, and others who have simply fallen out of the workforce after covid. Having spoken with businesses in the constituency, I know that their experience and expertise is vital for future growth and so it’s right that the government is launching schemes to help them return to work.”

The event will be held sometime in the New Year.

Mark added: “This will bring together employers, the public sector and voluntary sector to highlight some of the opportunities available to older residents, including chances to return to the workforce and share their skills and experience with the next generation.

"I am also delighted that the Minister has agreed to come to Rugby and support this initiative.”